Driving Log Pic

A new law is in effect that requires a driving log to be turned into the State at time of the driver’s license exam.

Any student, under age 18, must submit the log to the driver exam staff at the time of the driving test.
50 hours of supervised driving time are required, 15 of those must be nighttime hours. The 6 hours a student will complete during the behind-the-wheel lessons DO NOT COUNT.  If a parent/guardian completes the Parent Class, the student is only required to complete 40 hours of supervised driving time, 15 of which must be nighttime hours.  You will need to present the Parent Class Completion Certificate along with the driving log at the time of the road test.
Yes. Parents will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the parent class to submit with the driving log.
No. The certificate of completion is valid only for one teen, unless there is more than one teen in the same class. A parents/guardian will be required to complete another Parent Class for subsequent teens who complete a drivers education program