If you have missed any days of class, you can easily make them up with our FULLY ONLINE CLASSES.  You will be able to make up ANY missed classes whenever it is convenient for you.  Remember, you can only attend 3 hours of class per day.  Follow these simple steps:

  1.  Please CREATE AN ACCOUNT in our Fully Online Class System CLICK HERE.
    (Use this coupon code: teensmakeup2468 at the Payment Screen to make the $10 payment)
  2. After creating that account, AND USING THE PROMO CODE: teensmakeup2468,  FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW
  3. We will process your request within 1 BUSINESS DAY and send you an email.  Then you’ll be able to log in and attend your missed classes whenever it is convenient for you!


Fully Online Email Login(Required)
This is the email you used to create your online account in the FULLY ONLINE System.
What days do you need to make up?(Required)
Not sure? If you attended a ZOOM class, look to see what secret words you are missing. If you attended in-person, look at what days notes you are missing.
Yes! I did create an account at Teens.CruiseControlEducation.com and used the payment code: teensmakeup2468(Required)